Hotels & Restaurants
In order to diversify the portfolio, Sawyer has found a niche in acquiring undervalued hotel assets that can be repositioned, converted into housing, or extended stay lodging for work force housing. This model mirrors what Sawyer looks to accomplish in their multifamily housing assets, providing the best housing with world class hospitality.
To ensure the success of each hotel, Sawyer partners with world class management companies to oversee the day to day operations. Sawyer Realty maintains the role as an asset manager, still having a presence at each property.
Good N U Hospitality, an arm under the Sawyer umbrella, oversees the day-to-day operations of our four restaurants. With a real estate focus in mind, our goal for each restaurant is for it to control its own real estate. This adds inherent value to each property we acquire.
We are proud of our team of tenured and passionate hospitality professionals who are dedicated to creating memorable experiences in extraordinary, entertaining environments. Designed to fulfill the dining needs of the neighborhoods in which it serves, Good N U Hospitality offers professional and personal service that consistently exceeds the expectations of our guests.